COVID-19 Measures in Place

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Workplace


  • As we have a large space with few workers, we have been able to designate individual/personal work-spaces.
  • We have clearly marked occupancy limits and avoid contact at the filing cabinet and photocopier, which are shared by several staff members.
  • Shared equipment is disinfected regularly, as are all points of frequent contact.
  • Doors linking rooms are opened in the morning to avoid recurring contact throughout the day and these are closed again by the last person leaving.


  • We wear masks in all shared spaces, halls, foyers, washrooms, etc.
  • Visitors are also asked to wear masks.
  • Signs are posted describing the correct use of masks for both staff and visitor reference.

Cleaning Protocols:

  • Staff members and visitors are required to wash/sanitize hands upon arriving.
  • There is hand sanitizer at the door for visitors who are asked to sanitize upon arrival.
  • There is also hand sanitizer at key points throughout the building.
  • The first staff member who arrives disinfects key spots identified as points of frequent contact (there is a check-list)
  • This is repeated at midday (up to four additional times) if there are others in the building and again before leaving.
  • This check-list is initialed and time of day labeled when this is done. Are there are seldom more than two people working at a time in the building, there is an acknowledged level of personal discretion to this.
  • Cleaning includes: all doorknobs, elevator buttons, all door bars, faucets and taps (except kitchen, which is not being used), the counter in the social hall. Susan, when in the office, is responsible for the photocopier and filing cabinet. Individuals are responsible for the interiors of their own offices/ work spaces.
  • Custodial staff continues to clean thoroughly twice a week.
  • All dishes for personal use are brought from home.

Enter the name for this tabbed section: Religious Services

Religious Services:

  • We’ve reviewed the protocols for Work Place/ Office as well as for Faith-Based organizations.
  • We’ve also formed a COVID-19 Task Force, which meets regularly.
  • We are masked during services; we have a Plexiglas barrier for times when our Rabbi leading the service needs to face the congregation.
  • Our regular services are limited to a maximum of 36 people. We can seat 50 with proper physical distancing but we voluntarily limit occupancy for ease of movement. We also have been holding services every second week instead of weekly, alternating with zoom-only services.
  • We’ve changed movement during the service in order to maintain physical distance and we’ve eliminated almost all shared contact with surfaces and objects. Where shared contact with objects is necessary, we arrange that this will be completed by family members who share a bubble.
  • All books are pre-set 72 hours before the service and tidying afterwards is done several days after the service.
  • All surfaces are regularly sanitized throughout the week, and hand sanitizer is available during the service.
  • We have posted signs with instructions. Volunteers are present to guide people regarding hand washing/sanitizing and also to guide them to their seats and their books. Instructions are given, that masks must be worn, that any singing/chanting should be sotto voce, rather than at full voice (masked), tallitot should be put on at one’s seat, directions are clearly marked on the floor. The occupancy limits of each room are clearly visible.
  • Everyone is to wear a mask at all times during the service. Hand sanitizer is available if people need to adjust their mask. Extra masks are available if someone needs one.
  • Our janitorial service cleans the entire building thoroughly twice a week. Office staff regularly disinfects all contact points during the days when the office is open. We have hand sanitizer and surface disinfectant in use as needed during the service also.
  • We’ve designed the service so that a person can enter the building, sanitize their hands and thereafter have contact only with their own books. If they go to the washroom, they will need to wash their hands again, etc.
  • Please also see the section, “Volunteer Instructions”
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Volunteer Instructions

NOTE: In this plan there is deliberate overlap and repetition. There will be newcomers at services, as well as people who have received these instructions at earlier services. Volunteers, please use your discretion.


  • SIGN-IN SHEET: Tick off people’s names as they arrive. (One person only with the list and the pen.)
  • People will enter through the Social Hall doors. Please assess them for symptoms.
  • Please tell them that they will need to wear their masks at all times in the shul.
  • Ask them to put on their masks first (correct instructions are available) and then sanitize their hands.
  • Direct people through to the tallit table, or to the Sanctuary (keep them moving).


  • Volunteers, please ask people to find their own tallit and then sanitize their hands a second time.
  • Ask them to put on their tallit at their seat (not in the foyer or at the back of the Sanctuary).
  • Direct them through to the Sanctuary (to the volunteers there).
  • Please keep people moving to avoid too many people at the table and ask them to move straight through the foyer, don’t linger.
  • Repeat instructions if necessary. Please let people know that someone will meet them in the Sanctuary to seat them.


  • Volunteers, please direct people to their allocated seat. Please note certain pre-planned seating.
  • Ask people to follow the arrows.
  • Ask them to wait to put on their tallit until they arrive at their seat.
  • Tell them that their books will be at their seat—the books signify where to sit (move books aside and sit down.)
  • Ask people to try to stay at their seat once they get there—choose a cushion on the way there, don’t come back for it.
  • If during the service they need a break from wearing their mask, they can go alone into the social hall (not the washrooms) to take them off.
  • During the service, watch that things go smoothly re masks and social distancing, people leaving and re-entering, etc., and keep an eye on people in the balcony.


  • Please remind people to follow the instructions they’ve been given when you see lapses (keep masks on, etc.).
  • Also, help to keep people moving so that we can avoid having people standing around in the foyer and at the back of the Sanctuary (six feet apart, follow the arrows, puppets are our friends, etc.).
  • Remind people to put on their tallitot at their seat, not at the back of the sanctuary.
  • Also, remind people that their books will be at their seat. Sit where the books are placed.
  • In general, after directions regarding where to sit, ensure that people get there.
  • Please remember to check on people up in the balcony from time to time.
  • When leaving, ask that people wanting to use the washroom WAIT until those leaving directly have exited in order to avoid close contact at the back of the Sanctuary. Those leaving directly should leave through the Sanctuary doors.


  • Somebody needs their text function “on” so that the off-site zoom host can reach them.
  • Turn on the projector, hook up with the zooming device, focus. The Extension password is taped to the small table with the soundboard. It is also taped to the table at the back of the Sanctuary with the kippot baskets.
  • Someone needs to open the zoom meeting on the Sanctuary device and set up the camera angles and test the audio. The camera angles need to change during the service.
  • Please coordinate with the designated host (who needs to be off-site).
  • You will need to be able to be reached (to correct camera angles, focus, etc.) Please be sure that you are reachable.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Hebrew School

Update: As of November 19th, BC has issued province-wide restrictions that will be in effect until January 8th. These include no non-essential travel outside one’s community and no social gatherings of any size. Although schools and extra-curricular activites remain open, Emanu-El’s Covid-19 committee, in cooperation with Hebrew School leadership, has decided to move Hebrew School to Zoom at least until January 8th.

Symptoms associated with COVID-19

These are similar to many common respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses that may be circulating through schools/childcare settings. The two most important ways to prevent and control respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, in schools and childcare settings are:

1. For children and staff who are ill with ANY symptoms of the common cold, influenza or COVID-19, including:
• fever
• cough
• shortness of breath
• sore throat
• fatigue
• headache
• nausea/vomiting
• diarrhea
• muscle aches
• Loss of sense of smell or taste
• Loss of appetite

—to stay home from school, and

2. The consistent practice of good respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene.

Drop off & Pick-up Protocols

  1. A regular daily health check will be required by staff and parents/guardians at drop-off to confirm that their child does not have symptoms of illness. Questions will include asking whether a child has a new or worsening sore throat, cough, elevated temperature, or non-allergy-related congestion; whether the child has been in contact with anyone known to have COVID-19 in the prior 14 days; and whether the child has been out of the province in the prior 14 days. This will be indicated on the sign-in and sign-out sheet. Children will also be required to clean their hands at this time.
  2. Due to the need to maintain small numbers and ensure physical distancing, there will no longer be community time (Havdalah, games, announcements) at the beginning of Hebrew School. Instead, parents will say goodbye to their children at the hand sanitizing station.
  3. We know that drop-off and pick-up has traditionally also been a time when parents could socialize with each other. We ask that parents step away from the drop-off area after saying goodbye to their children. Please ensure you stay 6ft/2 metres apart from any other adults you may talk to when walking to your car, etc. This helps model safe behaviour for your children, and helps prevent the spread of Covid-19.
  4. Please ensure both you and your child are masked during drop-off. Masks will not be required for the duration of the outdoor Hebrew School program, but may be worn as needed for activities that require brief, closer contact.

Sick Children or Staff

  1. If participants or staff are feeling unwell they must remain at home. There are no exceptions.
  2. If a child becomes ill at Hebrew School, parents/guardians will be called and must pick up their child promptly once notified. The unwell child will be separated from the group and will remain with one designated teacher. It is important to keep your child’s emergency contacts up to date to ensure children are picked up promptly.
  3. Every attempt will be made to trace equipment and surfaces that the symptomatic child may have touched, and to sanitize it with an isopropyl 70% solution. The child will be required to wear a mask while waiting to be picked up.
  4. In the event that a child is sent home with symptoms, an email will be sent out to all parents informing them. We will update parents regularly regarding test results and steps taken to ensure their children's safety.
  5. If a staff member becomes unwell at Hebrew School they will be sent home immediately and replaced by Rabbi Matt until another teacher can attend.
  6. Participants may return once they have been assessed by their health care provider and it is determined that they do not have COVID-19, and their symptoms have resolved. Staff must stay home and self-isolate until they have been assessed by their health care provider and it is determined that they do not have COVID-19, and their symptoms have resolved.

Group Size & Physical Distancing

  1. As recommended by public health authorities and the Ministry of Education, Hebrew School students and staff will gather in smaller group sizes with appropriate physical distancing.
  2. The same small group will remain together each Sunday and will spend the majority of the time outdoors. Tuesday's group will likely have a different composition than Sunday's group, but will also be a small, physically-distanced class."
  3. Craft and sports activities will be facilitated by having separate materials for each student so there is no sharing of tools or toys.
  4. Craft supplies, sports equipment, and toys are sanitized with a 70% isopropyl alcohol solution each time they are returned to the general pool and/or each time they are passed from one child or adult to another.

Hygiene & Handwashing Protocols

  1. Frequent communication from the teachers regarding physical distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette in addition to washroom signage will remind participants and staff to follow hygiene protocols.
  2. Handwashing or sanitizing will be required before snack, after bathroom breaks, after play times, and at the beginning and end of each Hebrew School day. Hand sanitizer and access to washroom sinks with soap and warm water will be provided throughout the day.
  3. General cleaning and disinfecting of the Hebrew School spaces will occur at least once a day.
  4. d. Physical distancing and proper hygiene etiquette must be followed. There will be no tolerance for misbehaviour and there will be a strict "no sharing" policy for food and personal items. If rules cannot be followed, parent pick-up will be required to ensure the safety of others. When possible, please label your child’s belongings to discourage accidental sharing.
  5. Students may not bring toys or other objects from home to Hebrew School, unless it is for a scheduled show-and-tell.
  6. All snack items must be taken home at the end of the day; all containers must be openable and recloseable by the student. Please also ensure that all snacks are kosher.

Hebrew School Parents and COVID-19

To ensure a safe, supportive, and fun learning environment for your child(ren) we ask that you read over these points prior to coming to Hebrew School. We also ask you and your child to bring:
  • Good health and lots of energy to play and learn
  • A positive attitude
  • A full water bottle
  • A kosher snack bag--All wrappers/containers must return home at the end of the day and all items should be able to be opened and reclosed by your child
  • Outdoor appropriate clothing, including rain coat, rain pants, rain boots, and warm clothing as needed.
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